The US and South Korea have begun their annual joint military exercises, heightening tensions with Pyongyang that earlier this month threatened to erupt into a potential nuclear conflict.
The reclusive regime in North Korea regularly lambasts the Ulchi-Freedom Guardian manoeuvres, saying they are a rehearsal for invasion. This year has been no different, with North Korean state media threatening “merciless strikes” against the US if provoked.
朝鲜政府经常抨击美韩“乙支自由卫士”(Ulchi-Freedom Guardian)演习(注:题图为韩国警察参加“乙支自由卫士”演习),称这是侵略演练。今年并无不同,朝鲜官方媒体威胁称,如被挑衅将对美国展开“无情打击”。
However, the number of US troops involved in this year’s war games has been cut to 17,500 from 25,000 in 2016, a move that James Mattis, US defence secretary, denied could be interpreted as pandering to Pyongyang.
然而,参加今年军演的美军数量从2016年的2.5万人降至1.75万人,美国国防部长詹姆斯?马蒂斯(James Mattis)否认此举可被解读为迎合朝鲜。
“The numbers are by design to achieve the exercise objectives, and you always pick what you want to emphasise,” Mr Mattis said.
“At present, there is a heavy emphasis on command post operations, so the integration of all the different efforts.”
与一年一度的“秃鹫”(Foal Eagle)联合军演(包括大规模实地演练)不同,“乙支自由卫士”军演基于电脑化模拟,官员们表示,这种演习属于防御性质。
Unlike the annual Foal Eagle drills that involve extensive field manoeuvres, the Ulchi-FreedomGuardian war games are based on computerised simulations that officials say are defensive innature.
On Sunday, North Korean state media criticised the US, calling the exercises “a reckless actbereft of even elementary judgment”.
“The Trump group’s declaration of the reckless nuclear war exercises against the DPRK alongwith the vociferous call for the ‘beheading operation’, ‘special operation’, ‘pre-emptive attackon the North’ and ‘preventative war’, is reckless behaviour driving the situation into theuncontrollable phase of a nuclear war,” said the statement, referring to North Korea by itsofficial abbreviation.
Both the US and South Korea have rejected a joint proposal from China and Russia tosuspend military exercises in exchange for a freeze in North Korea’s nuclear and ballisticmissile tests.
美韩联合军演高度隐秘,但据信,其中包括模拟战场以及卫星图像,以推断朝鲜军队驻地和金正恩(Kim JongUn)的领导风格。除了1.75万美军,预计有数万名韩国人参加,还有来自英国、澳大利亚、丹麦和哥伦比亚的士兵。