The total mileage of China's high speed rail isexpected to reach 30,000 kilometers by 2020, covering more than 80% of major cities, accordingto a development plan for railway constructionreleased by the National Development and ReformCommission.
根据国家发改委近日发布的一项铁路建设发展规划,到2020年,我国高铁总里程预计将达3万公里,覆盖80%以上的大城市。China will have 150,000 kilometers of rail tracks inoperation in 2020, 60% of which are double-trackrailways and 70% electrified lines, according to the plan.规划提出,2020年全国铁路营业里程将达到15万公里,复线率和电气化率分别达到60%和70%。In addition, a 2,000-kilometers network of intercity railway will be formed in economicallydeveloped and densely populated areas.此外,经济发达地区和人口稠密地区将形成规模达2000公里的城际铁路网络。
A total of 3,000 kilometers of branch lines will be expanded, offering a "seamless" transferexperience.
我国将建设总规模3000公里的支线铁路,实现“无缝化”换乘体验。The plan says that high speed trains will carry 65% of the total passengers by 2020, and thetravel time between adjacent major cities will be shortened to 1-4 hours.规划称,到2020年,动车组列车将承担旅客总运量的65%,相邻大城市间的铁路旅行时间将缩短至1-4小时。According to requirements, 80% of the train tickets should be available on online platforms.此外,根据要求,80%的火车票可以在在线平台上买到。
The total mileage of China's high speed rail isexpected to reach 30,000 kilometers by 2020, covering more than 80% of major cities, accordingto a development plan for railway constructionreleased by the National Development and ReformCommission.
A total of 3,000 kilometers of branch lines will be expanded, offering a "seamless" transferexperience.
The plan says that high speed trains will carry 65% of the total passengers by 2020, and thetravel time between adjacent major cities will be shortened to 1-4 hours.
According to requirements, 80% of the train tickets should be available on online platforms.